A XYZ company is an Accounting firm which manages many clients (Account). Currently, all the files or attachments of all the accounts are stored in Salesforce and accounting person manually download the files/attachments and upload them on Google Drive Account.
- Is there a way to automatically upload the files or attachments from Salesforce to Google Drive (whenever it is created in Salesforce)?
- Can we automatically access the Google Drive files directly in Salesforce without logging into Google Drive account?
As Files or Attachments of any object’s record can be “Auto-Synced” to “Google Drive” account, so we need to perform below steps to Configure “Auto-Sync” functionality using File ZIPO:
Step 1: Add or Configure a new Google Drive Account in File ZIPO
Step 2: Define the objects which needs to be Auto-Synced across Salesforce & Google Drive
Step 3: Add the FileZIPO Sync Component on the Object’s record page to access Sync records
Let’s go through all the above steps one by one to Configure Auto-Sync using File ZIPO.
Step 1: User can easily add any Google Drive account in few simple steps. Please refer this detailed blog to add a Google Drive Account in File ZIPO
Step 2: Once the “Google Drive” account is added in File ZIPO “Manage External Accounts” tab, then just scroll down on the same tab to configure the Objects on which “Auto-Sync” needs to be enabled.
Click “Add New” button on the “External Sync & Folders table”. Once clicked, it will display a popup.
Above image has some features (each number has its description as below):
- Select the Google Drive Account which needs to used for “Auto-Sync”
- Select the Folder path on existing google drive account
- Enter the name of the Folder in which Files or Attachment will be saved
- Select Single or Multiple Object for which auto-sync needs to be enabled
- Need to enable this checkbox for Auto-Sync
- If user wants to delete the file or attachment from Salesforce when it is successfully synced, just check this checkbox.
- Once all the above configurations are ready, click on “Save Folder” to save this Auto-Sync Configuration.
Step 3: Need to Add the FileZIPO Sync Component on the Object’s record page to access Sync records. In order to add the FileZIPO component on the Detail page of the record as the first step.
Few Simple Steps to add File ZIPO Sync Component on Record Page:
Step 1. Go to App Launcher like below image.
Step 2. Search any Standard or Custom object and click on the searched object. (Account object in this example).
Step 3. Go to object record page by clicking on any record and Click on the Gear Icon on the top right corner and click on “Edit Page”.
Step 4. Once “Edit Page” is clicked, it will open the App Builder page.
Above image has some features (each number has its description as below):
- Click on Tab section.
- Click on “Add Tab” button.
- Choose Tab label as “Custom” and enter name in “Custom label” as “File ZIPO Sync”
- Click on “Done” Button to add tab.
Step 5. After adding tab, select the below component & drag the component to the newly added tab like below image.
Name of Component: FileZIPO_ManageExternalFiles
Click on Save and then Activate Button to add tab on detail page.
Step 6. To Check if the Files / Attachments are Sync with Google Drive or not, just go to you Object record page and upload any file or attachment (manually in Salesforce)
Now click on File Zipo Sync Tab, you will see your file will be automatically added to Google drive and it will create a Sync record.
User can easily access the file (from Salesforce) by clicking on “Eye” or “Download” icon.
Have you started using FileZIPO yet? Get this revolutionary application and make your Salesforce file storage effortless and pocket-friendly. Click here to install the latest version of FileZIPO application in your Salesforce instance & explore its complete benefits for you.
For any queries or suggestions, you can contact us at https://filezipo.io/#contact or mail us: support@ayansoftwares.com. Our File ZIPO Expert will help you get the best out of it.
We appreciate your valuable inputs.
This tool is available on Appexchange and Click on below button to install the
latest version of File ZIPO